FAQs About Orders and Purchases
Q. How and where can I log in?
Q. How can I access my online purchases?
Q. I don't see any blue buttons for my purchases. Why not?
Q. I didn't see the login email in time. Can I still access my account?
Q. At first, the URL said "doorwaytocollege.com," but now it says, "store.zaps.com." Is this safe?
Q. I have a question that's not listed here. Where can I get an answer?
Back to other frequently asked questions
Q. How and where can I log in?
A. If you already know your username and password, go to https://store.doorwaytocollege.com/user/login. Unless you changed it, your username is either the full email address you used to purchase the product(s) or the part of your email address before the @ sign.
If you have not yet logged in, or have forgotten your password, follow these instructions:
Go to https://store.doorwaytocollege.com/user/password, enter the email address associated with your purchase, and click “Email new password.”
You will get an email from “noreply@doorwaytocollege.com” with a link to enter the website. Click on the link in the email, then go there.
Enter a new password and confirm it.
Click “Save.”
Click the appropriate blue box(es) to access your product(s).
Q. Why should I log in?
A. That depends on what you ordered.
If you only ordered a live seminar or other in-person class, you technically don't need to log in, but you might want to. By logging in, you can:
- Find details about your order(s)
- See your purchase history
- Print your receipt
- Get the seminar room number once it's posted
- Get information about rescheduling if the seminar is postponed
If you ordered a live webinar, we will send you login information three days prior to the webinar. If you registered within three days prior to the webinar, we will send you information as soon as we have your registration. If, for any reason, you do not receive the access URL and password, please contact customer support at support@doorwaytocollege.com or 877-927-8378 during business hours.
If you ordered an online item, you can only access your item by logging in. Online items include the following:
- E-books
- Online practice tests
- College Vocabulary Challenge
- Subtest-intensive instructional videos
- Webinars
- Recorded webinars
You will need a password to login. (See "How and where can I log in?" above.)
Q. How can I access my online purchase(s)?
A. You should be able to see your online purchases when you first login. If you are already logged in but don't see your purchases, click on the yellow "Hello [Your Name]" message at the top right of the page. That will take you to the page with the blue buttons to click for access to each of your purchases.
Q. I don't see any blue buttons for my purchases. Why not?
A. If you still do not see your blue buttons after clicking on your name, your purchases may have expired. Please contact customer support at support@doorwaytocollege.com or 877-927-8378 during business hours.
Q. I didn't see the login email in time, and my link expired. How can I access my account?
A. Follow the instructions for how and where to log in (see above).
Q. At first, the URL said "doorwaytocollege.com," but now it says, "store.zaps.com." Is this safe?
A. Yes, it is safe. The URL "store.zaps.com" is our admin site, where customers can make purchases and see their orders. The URL "doorwaytocollege.com" is our informational website. The two are linked.
Q. I have a question that's not listed here. Where can I get an answer?
A. Contact us at answers@doorwaytocollege.com. Or, call 877-927-8378 during business hours, from 7 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday. If you're calling after hours, or while we're on other calls, please leave a detailed message, and we'll get back to you no later than the next business day.